Sunday, June 27, 2010

"Wrap it up, B"

So, eventhough we don't have a real closing date, we are wishing and hoping and praying to close on our house this monday or tuesday and subsequently move in and begin making our house our home. Below are pictures of the packing process, mostly at the end. I've included a before of our room for some perspective....I cannot wait to move, paint, fix the floors and begin to decorate and unpack all our fun wedding presents.

Thanks to all our friends and family who have offered and provided their love and support throughout this horrible process. NEVER BUY A SHORT SALE!!! EVER! :)

When I first moved in...clean, neat and clutter free...when I had time to be a housewife.
Post wedding/honeymoon chaos when we just gave up.

Our bedroom then....

Our bedroom after, with our bed disassembled and a place for me to wait while they set a date.

All of our possessions...there is more hiding around the corner too...

Doesn't this look like so so much fun to move??!!??

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