Saturday, October 8, 2011

Retro Post: The Pitter Patter of Little Fetus

It seems that on Tuesday, our little baby turns from an embryo to a fetus which ups our chances of carrying this pregnancy to term. We went last Monday and saw the little tadpole and heard its fast little heart beat (168 beats per minute) so that bodes well for us. It has a four chamber heart now, its tail is disappearing and its about 5/8 of an inch. We've told our families and some friends and coworkers at this point. Morning sickness is rather hard to disguise. We'll make a big reveal when I get past being so worried about the what ifs. Brian would yell at me right now, since he wants only a positive attitude from this incubator.

Still, its feeling more real and getting more exciting by the day. I hopefully have less than a month left of "morning sickness" which seems to be controlled only by popcorn and pregnancy tea from Debbie and constant munching all day. I've gained enough weight so that my work pants are getting pretty uncomfortable, and so I've given in and bought scrubs in 4 colors to make it through the next few months until I fit into maternity pants. I can't say I'm sad about the weight gain, I just wish it was more of a bump than a widening of my overall abdomen that looks more like ascites than a baby. Once its a full on baby belly, I'm going to be so excited, since this will be the one time in life that its ok to have a pudgy tummy.

Still, as much as I say I eat all day, its all pretty healthy stuff...fiber one cereal, yogurt, apples, almonds, 100 calorie packs of crackers, whole wheat toast with low fat PB, whole wheat english muffins, oatmeal, low fat/sodium popcorn. Our main vices are cheese and fried chicken, but since those stave off the vomiting, we're going to have to deal.

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